Obsah filmu
Women's skimo project je projekt několika filmů, které mají za úkol inspirovat, snít a otevřít mysl při realizaci ženského sportu za pomoci ski touringu a také za pomoci setkání s ženami, které se odvážily realizovat samy sebe, navzdory fyzickým i psychickým obtížím, svým kulturám a předpojatým myšlenkám dnešní společnosti. Rozhodly se dát svým životům smysl tím, že oživí svou vášeň.
Women's skimo project is a project of several films to inspire, dream, open minds on the practice of women's sport through ski touring and by meeting these women who dared despite the physical and mental difficulties, their cultures and the preconceived ideas of today's society, assert themselves, give meaning to their lives by making their passions live. Laetitia Roux (world champion in ski mountaineering) and Tanya Naville go out to meet inspiring women. During this Japanese opus we meet five Japanese women skiers: three high mountain guides (Michiko AOKI, Yasuko KIKUCHI, Yuka ABE) a ski cross champion (Noriko FUKUSHIMA) and a competitor in ski mountaineering and trail ( Yukari NISHIDA). These five women tell us about being a woman in Japan and their place in the mountains and on skis. These inspiring women share their experiences with other women to encourage them to practice mountain skiing as well.
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